I loved my Indian adventure. It was sooo good. Every morning, my yoga practice was either up in the mountains or on the roof-top terrace of where I was staying, surrounded by the mountains. Not only was I in a beautiful place but I was incredibly blessed to have such gorgeously warm, sunny weather.
As I write this, the current weather here in the UK isn't quite up to my Indian trip's standard - However, I've plenty of yoga offerings for you to delve into which will help to support and develop your own personal yoga practice over the next few weeks. Read on for more details...
Upcoming Workshops
I love yoga, it shapes my life and I do my best to live as yogic a life as possible. Yoga is so much more than just moving the body. If you come to my classes you'll no doubt have dipped your toe into some of the other practices such as breath work and mudras, possibly even some mantra or philosophy. There is so much yoga that I'd love to share with you.
This workshop gives us more time to open the doors to some of the different and some of the lesser known aspects of yoga, those that you don't usually get to practice in a typical lesson because there just isn't enough time.
Why not come and explore yoga with me and find a deeper connection to your body, breath, mind and spirit.
Yay! New Dates now released for the Autumn Term.
*** Newly added workshop for October***
I connect and work with my Chakras/energy centres EVERY DAY, and, if for some reason I miss this practice, -not only do I notice it - so does my family!! - need I say more...
The Chakra System is a fascinating subject to explore. One of my teachers; Swami Nishchalananda says he has so far written about 2000 pages (of a book) on the subject and apparently he still hasn't finished!
So, yes, it can be a vast subject, however, the effects of working with your chakras is immediate. You'll leave this workshop feeling more harmonious and balanced, with a deeper sense of inner peace.
Sorry, I know it's early, however, it's good to have a few things to look forward to,- especially when they're wonderfully fun, creative and festive.
Also, just sayin' this Winter's Solstice Workshop is already filling up....
All workshops £30
2 Workshop Discounted pass £55
3 Workshop Discounted pass £75
Extra Class
On Tuesday 16th July 6:15-7:30pm there is an extra special "drop-in" yoga class - open to anyone - for £10. (it's usually the beginners course- which will have finished)
In this session there will be the usual yoga asana, pranayama, relaxation etc... but I will also be demonstrating Jala Neti - How to use a Neti Pot. Neti is a practice of cleansing the nasal passages and sinuses using a solution of warm water and salt. A really beneficial practice, I find it especially useful if I'm suffering from a bit of hay fever or a cold. Don't worry, you don't have to do it.

Just a reminder that:
The last yoga class before the Summer is on Friday 19th July.
Don't fret that you might get withdrawal symptoms. You can always stay connected thorough my video library.....
Summer Video Library Special Offer
Only £12.50
Don't forget, there is now a comprehensive Beginners Section which also includes warm ups, asana practice, breath work and relaxation and I'll be adding more asana videos and recordings including some chair yoga, meditations, chants and mantras over the coming weeks.
New Term Dates
Classes begin again in September on the New Moon -
Tuesday 3rd Sept 2024
Whatever your plans over the next few weeks. I wish you and your loved ones
Peace, Love, Light & Joy