De-Stress Your Life
My teaching focuses largely on the importance of the breath and linking it with each posture. In time, this becomes a moving meditation: creating emotional balance, mental clarity and wellbeing.
All my classes are non competitive and begin with a short relaxation to still the mind to bring you into the present moment.
This is followed by gentle limbering moves and sequences to gently warm up the muscles and joints in preparation for posture work, (asanas).
Asanas strengthen and tone the body and improve the flow of energy, helping to regulate the physical systems of the body and breath. The objective is not how far you can stretch or contort your body but to combine stability (stira) with ease and relaxation (sukha). All postures are modified to individual ability and to address medical conditions, beginners are welcome, but if you have specific needs or have any concerns, do get in touch. You may wish to read my FAQs.
Classes end with a period of deep relaxation.
Workshops are both an opportunity to delve deeper and explore other aspects of yoga and other yoga practices. These longer sessions allow you to take more timeout for valuable self-care, more time to switch off, unwind and enjoy nourishing the body, breath, mind and spirit.
I also offer Chair Yoga
I also offer meditation and deep rest classes
I also offer one to ones and small private classes.
The Benefit of Longer Classes
Many of my mat based classes are 75 minutes long.
This gives you more time to explore the broader benefits yoga brings.

It allows you to warm up more fully so you can safely start exploring deeper range of motion and more advanced postures (asanas).
It allows more time for exploring posture and alignment in more depth.
It allows you to have longer relaxations.
It allows you to delve deeper into other yogic practices, such as breath work and breathing techniques (pranayama), meditation & mindfulness, mantra (chanting) and yoga philosophy that can inspire you to live your best life.
More time on the mat equals more resilience, less stress, more flexibility and strength, more freedom in your body, and more patience and kindness in your life!

Please wear loose comfortable clothing suitable for movement. Any sports wear is fine.

Be sure to wear/ bring enough clothing/covers etc to keep you warm, especially if the weather is turning colder. I'd definitely recommend socks & a cosy sweater/hoody.