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Nov 22, 202312 min read
Yoga Philosophy and the Yoga Sutras. The Niyamas
The Second Limb. Observances The Niyamas are observances that encourage the well-being of ourselves. Practicing the Niyamas helps us...
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Nov 22, 20232 min read
Yoga Philosophy and the Yoga Sutras. Aparigraha
The Yamas: part 5. Aparigraha: Freedom from greed and desire, learning to let go, non-attachment, stop hoarding What does it mean? In...
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Nov 5, 20232 min read
Yoga Philosophy and the Yoga Sutras. Brahmacharya
The Yamas: part 4. Brahmacharya: the divine nature of desire, Integrity around sexuality, celebacy, right use of energy What does it...
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Oct 26, 20234 min read
Yoga Philosophy and the Yoga Sutras. Asteya
The Yamas: part 3. Asteya: Non-stealing What does it mean? Asteya means so much more than not physically taking something from someone...
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Oct 18, 20233 min read
Yoga Philosophy and the Yoga Sutras. Satya
The Yamas: part 2. Satya - Truthfulness What does it mean? Satya guides us to think, speak and act with integrity. Seeing and...
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Oct 12, 20234 min read
A introduction to Yoga Philosophy and the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. Part 1.
Introduction to the Yamas & Niyamas & Ahimsa. As I'm introducing a little bit of yoga philosophy into my yoga classes this month, I...
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